
Multisig (Multi-Signature): To further safeguard users' assets and enhance the security of our platform, Genaire employs Multi-Signature (Multisig) wallets. Multisig requires multiple signatures to authorize transactions, ensuring that no single entity has full control over the funds.

Key Features of Multisig:

  1. Enhanced Security:

    • Multiple Approvals: Transactions from multisig wallets require multiple approvals from designated signatories. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access and ensures that funds can only be moved with consensus from trusted parties.

    • Reduced Single Point of Failure: By distributing the control over the wallet among multiple signatories, multisig minimizes the risk associated with any single point of failure.

  2. Access Control:

    • Designated Signatories: Only trusted team members and authorized personnel are designated as signatories. Each signatory has a unique key, and a predefined number of keys are required to approve transactions.

    • Role-Based Access: Multisig enables role-based access control, ensuring that only authorized individuals can initiate or approve specific types of transactions.

  3. Fraud Prevention:

    • Tamper Resistance: Multisig provides an additional layer of protection against fraudulent activities by requiring multiple approvals. This makes it significantly harder for malicious actors to compromise the system.

    • Audit Trail: Each transaction approved through multisig is recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable audit trail. This helps in tracking and verifying all actions taken with the wallet.

  4. Operational Efficiency:

    • Streamlined Processes: Despite the added security, multisig transactions are designed to be efficient. The approval process is streamlined to ensure that transactions can be executed promptly without compromising security.

    • Scalable Security: Multisig solutions are scalable and can be adapted to meet the needs of the platform as it grows, ensuring ongoing security and operational efficiency.

Last updated