
Operators: Operators are essential to the EigenLayer ecosystem, providing the computational resources needed to run various decentralized services. These operators, often professional staking providers, ensure the safety and correctness of restaking operations. Here’s a detailed look at their role:

  • Node Operation: Operators run nodes that perform essential tasks for AVS. They must run specific AVS software, which allows them to validate and secure these services.

  • Service Selection: Operators can choose which AVS to support, giving them flexibility to align their operations with their expertise and resources.

  • Resource Provisioning: Operators provide the necessary computational power and security to support AVS, ensuring the integrity and performance of the services.

  • Rewards Distribution: The protocol distributes Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) among active Node Operators based on their performance and the weight assigned to each operator. This distribution method ensures optimized returns based on calculated risks.

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